St John's Wort extract

Product name: St John's Wort P.E
Latin name: Hypericum perforatum L
Active ingredients:Hypericin
Part: The whole herb of Hypericum perforatum
Appearance: Brownish black powder
Specification: 0.3%Hypericin
Extract Method:Grain alcohol / UV
Hypericum perforatum is a perennial herb from Hypericum. According to the latest results of an experimental study, confirmed by the hypericin in Hypericum perforatum extracts, to treat patients with moderate depression, and very few adverse side effects
Nerve nutrition as security, prevention and treatment of disorders and mood disorders caused by the depression, eliminate stress and depression, sleep. Treatment of anxiety, apathy, low self-esteem and menopause neurasthenia, to prevent bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Can effectively reduce the physical and psychological symptoms of PMS.