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          Fruit/Vegetable powder
          Plant Feed Additive
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          ·Loss Weight
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           Chasteberry powder

          Vitex) Chaste Berry P.E.
          Chaste berry Extract Vitex Agnus Castus Extract
          1. vitex agnus castus Extract
          Chaste Tree Berry (vitex agnus castus) are the berries of the chaste tree. Chaste Tree Berry has been used since ancient Greek times as a treatment for menstrual problems.
          2.Active Ingredients:
          It is the fruit (dried ripe berries) that contains a mixture of iridoid glycosides (agnoside and aucubin), fatty oils, and flavonoids. Chaste Tree Berry has medicinally active components that act upon the pituitary gland, specifically on the production of luteinizing hormone to influence progesterone levels during the luteal, or late, phase of the menstrual cycle.

          Hagen Biotechnology Co.,Ltd     Phone:0086-731-88395305
          FAX1:0086-731-88809325 FAX2:0086-731-88707125~8666
          ADD:International Enterprise Center,No.188,Middle Huanbao RD, Changsha,Hunan,China.