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          home>> product
          Finish Product
          Hot products
          Fruit/Vegetable powder
          Plant Feed Additive
          Extracts for Cosmetics
          Classified by function
          ·Loss Weight
          ·For Liver
          ·For cardiovascular
          ·Women Health
          ·Cosmetics Ingredient
          ·Eye Care
          ·Immune Enhancing

           Fenugreek extract

          Latin name: Trigonellafoenum-graecumL
          Specification: trigonelline 60%; 95%; 98%
          Test method: HPLC
          Molecular Formula: C6H13NO3
          Molecular Weight: 147
          CAS No: 55399-93-4
          Structural Formula:

          1.Regulate blood sugar and promote body building
          2.Reduce cholesterin and protect heart
          3.Bulk laxative and lubricates the intestines
          4.Good for eyes and help with asthma and sinus problems

          Hagen Biotechnology Co.,Ltd     Phone:0086-731-88395305
          FAX1:0086-731-88809325 FAX2:0086-731-88707125~8666
          ADD:International Enterprise Center,No.188,Middle Huanbao RD, Changsha,Hunan,China.